Goalshot - Exercise:

Snail Shell

Exercise for kids with a goal-shooting parkour

This goal-shooting exercise ensures that the kids focus on the parkour and running rather than on dribbling.

A. Learning goals

Movement coordination, shooting

B. Fantasy

Shell=training routine
Hiding routine=goal

C. Story

The snail has had enough of life in the narrow shell. She wants to explore the world and makes herself out on the road. Outside, she notices that she is no longer protected and dangers lurk everywhere. Therefore she looks for a hiding to be safe. But it is not so easy, because at the entrance to the hiding place there is a bird.

D. Organisation

The soccer exercise takes place with floor markings. A goalkeeper, a goal, enough balls and don’t forget the throw and shooting marks.

E. Description

The children run with the ball in the hands out of the itinerary and roll the ball from the marks into the goal. The goalkeeper tries to stop the scoring. As a competition variation it can take place between teams or individually.

F. Variations

  • The kids dribble within the itinerary.
  • Various movements within the itinerary.
  • Several kids start at the same time.

G. Tips

  • The training routine is not easy.
  • Try for smaller groups, to minimize the waiting time.
  • Change the goalkeeper frequently.
Goalshot exercise snail shell