Coordination - Exercise:

Shooting Star

Ball coordination exercises with throwing, catching and shooting

If you, as a trainer, can imagine that balls are shooting stars, then you've come to the right place. Kids can do this effortlessly, happily launching shooting stars into the air.

A. Learning goals

Ball coordination, catching, team play

B. Fantasy

Shooting stars=balls

C. Story

It's a real night of shooting stars. Countless fall from the sky, we only need to catch them, otherwise they will break on the ground.

D. Organisation

Creat two big teams. The teams will be divided into two groups, where in one group each child will get one ball. Layout of four small goal squares. Add one or two goals as an obstacle to further develop competition. The goals should not be too high for the children.

E. Description

The kids through the ball over an obstacle (goal?) or from target field to target field. For each caught ball a point will be given. Kicker and catcher exchange action groups.

F. Variations

  • Use different balls (eg.: football, volleyball, tennisball, handball)
  • Pass the ball to another member of the ball.

G. Tips

  • Start with light balls.
  • Pay attention to the performance of the kids.
Coordination exercise shooting star