Goalshot - Exercise:
Want to teach kids goal-shooting techniques? In the Hailstorm game, the ball isn't rolling when the kids try to score a goal, which makes the process easier, but still difficult enough.
Shooting, reaction
Hail guard=goalkeeper
Harvest=soccer goal
A hail storm breaks out and the threat of severe damage to the harvest should be avoided: the hail guard. The special thing is that the hailstones are shot with the foot and always four at a time.
Allocation of the children in four groups. Each group will receive at least one ball. The shooting will be marked and then a goal and a goalkeeper are missing.
The first kids of four groups will place their balls next to each other in a horizontal. At the trainer’s command the children will run to the balls and shoot at the goal. The goalkeeper tries to fend off the balls. Then the next children will compete against each other for the goal.
Which group achieved the most goals after one cycle?