
Basics Rules

Basic rules for dealing with a kids team

  • The coach must be aware of his status as a role model.
  • Keep praising the children; never criticize them openly.
  • The coach sets boundaries and remains consistent in their implementation.
  • Even bad sequences should be talked about in a positive manner.
  • Never compare the kids in a team to each other or with other teams. The children should further develop their own personality and performance; a comparison can cause severe psychological damage. By acting incorrectly, the kid can be given the impression of never being good enough.
  • Children pick up more than you think. Never talk about the kid; always talk to it.
  • A coach always thinks his team is great and never speaks negatively?
  • Children are not responsible for a coach’s frustrations.

FIFA has created basic rules for kids soccer, which should be followed even more so with mini kickers:

  • Kids soccer means play; play means fun!
  • The most important thing for kids is that they are with their friends!
  • Everyone should have the same amount of participation!
  • Teach children both things: winning and losing!
  • More practice – fewer matches!
  • Kids soccer should be diverse and versatile!
  • Teach them to respect their opponents and the referee!
  • The games are for the kids and not for the adults!